CIOC Support & Hosting

Do you need help using CIOC Software?

KCL maintains a public support portal for CIOC Software at If you’re having trouble you can’t solve by using the software’s built-in “Page Help”, the support portal answers a number of common questions. Clients that have a Software Support Plan with us (including members of CIOC) can use the contact form at the support portal for one-on-one assistance.

Stay up-to-date on training and events, software upgrades, critical support notices and more. Sign up for the CIOC Support Notifications Mailing List!

Looking for a CIOC Software Service Provider?

Non-profit, charity and government organizations may be eligible to join the software hosting co-op owned by Community Information Online Consortium (CIOC) and managed by KCL Software Solutions. Prices for a hosted solution in the CIOC hosting co-op begin at $150 / month CDN, and also require a $200 / year membership to the CIOC organization. Total cost depends on usage; please contact us for information.

Administration and support of self-pay hosting solutions such as on-premises servers or cloud-based hosting in Azure/AWS are also available; contact us for a quote.

Developing against CIOC Software

Are you a developer looking for support to develop against one of the CIOC Software APIs? Public API documentation is available at and you can also learn how to incorporate CIOC data into your WordPress site using CIOC WordPress Plug-ins. If you need a little extra help, we offer consultation for a fee, including assistance extending the API.


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